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My Models: [Amiga CD32]
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Manufacturer Commodore
Main-Processor(s) 68EC020
Speed 14.28 KHz
Memory 2048 KB
Co-processor(s) Lisa, Alice, Paula, Akiko
Colors 16.8M
Graphics AGA
Sound 4 Channel Stereo 8 bit
Media CD (double-speed)
Year 1993
My games 21
Unknown FileType

The CD32 was the first 32Bit console. The console's hardware was based on the Amiga 1200. The CD32 was commodore's last attempt to get back in the market. It sold very well in the UK and Germany, but not enough. Finally in 1994 commodore went bankruptcy. With the right stuff the CD32 could be turned into a complete Amiga 1200 system.

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In December 2002 Gary Moore released a compilation cd for the CD32 with 100 games and much more. This is a must have for all cd32 fans!! The cd you must be looking for listens to the name : CD32-100. Many thanks to Gary for putting this masterpiece together. It is possible to create your own cd32 boot-cd's using the winuae emulator and the right software. Tutorials are available on the web.

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CD32 Audio CD Player Candy Puzzle Super Morph

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©1999-2001 by Da Vince