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My Models: [CDI 450] [CDI 210]
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Manufacturer philips
Main-Processor(s) Motorola 68070
Speed 15 MHz
Memory 1 MB (2,5 MB with Video Cartridge)
Co-processor(s) -
Colors 16 million
Graphics 768x560
Sound 16 Bit, stereo, 44.1Khz
Media CD
Year 1991-1994 (dependant of the model)
My games 32
Unknown FileType

As one of the inventors of the compact-disc Philips wanted to show the world what more can be done with the compact-disc. For this reason they developed the CD-interactive (CDi). The CDi could, besides playing normal Audio-cd's, play a wide range of other formats which included: CD+G, CD Portfolio, CD Photo, CDi, CDVideo(VCD). The CDi was not released as a game-only-machine. In fact quiet a few bad games were released, but the cdi probably features the most educational releases ever seen on any other console. But nevertheless, the Philips CDi never became very succesfull. At this moment there isn't any alternative with similar functionality.

Unknown FileType

Unknown FileType

Little Devil 7th Guest Super Mario's Wacky World (prototype)

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©1999-2001 by Da Vince