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Unknown FileType

My Models: [3DO FZ1]
Unknown FileType
Manufacturer Panasonic
Main-Processor(s) 32-bit Risc ARM 60
Speed 12.5 MHz
Memory 2MB Main Ram + 1MB VRAM
Co-processor(s) DSP
Colors 16.7 M
Graphics 640x480 (inside 320x240)
Sound Stereo 16-bit PCM 44.1kHz
Media CD(2x)
Year 1993
My games 29
Unknown FileType

The 3DO is, technically, a set of specifications created by the 3DO company, which is itself a partnership of seven different Companies. These specs are the intellectual property of the 3DO Company, and are the blueprint for making a 3DO Interactive Multiplayer. Manufacturing companies license the rights from the 3DO Company to manufacture a system based on the 3DO Company's specifications. Software companies license the ability to develop software for the 3DO.

Unknown FileType

Unknown FileType

Bootscreen Gex Bust a Move Alone in the Dark

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©1999-2001 by Da Vince