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Unknown FileType

My Models: [9205]
Unknown FileType
Manufacturer Watara
Main-Processor(s) M65C02
Speed 4 MHz
Memory ?
Co-processor(s) -
Colors 4 colors monochrome
Graphics 160x160
Sound ?
Media cartridge
Year 1992
My games 4
Unknown FileType

After the gameboy became a great success other companies tried to enter this new market. The supervision is one example and features a larger screen and orginal games. The supervision wasn't able to play gameboy games in any way. The supervision wasn't a big succes in any way. Because of it's very low price (compared to the real gameboy) there were parents that bought them for there children and hoped the kids didn't see the differences ;-)

Unknown FileType

Unknown FileType

CrystBall Linear Racing Carrier

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©1999-2001 by Da Vince