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My Models: [RainShower] [Lifeboat] [Mario Bros.] [Donkey Kong II] [Donkey Kong] [Donkey Kong JR.] [Zelda] [Popeye] [GoldCliff] [Snoopy SM-91] [Snoopy SP-30]
Unknown FileType
Manufacturer nintendo
Main-Processor(s) n.a.
Speed n.a.
Memory n.a.
Co-processor(s) n.a
Colors 1 (black)
Graphics LCD technology
Sound bleeps ;-)
Media not available
Year 1982-1988
My games 0
Unknown FileType

Long before the game consoles got popular companies started to bring small LCD (handheld) games on the market. Nintendo called their games 'Game & Watch'. The Game & Watch series were expensive but popular. These games also stood the test of time since these games are still being collected and people pay more than the original prices.

Unknown FileType

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©1999-2001 by Da Vince