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My Models: [GameBoy]
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Manufacturer Nintendo
Main-Processor(s) 6502
Speed 2.14MHz
Memory 8KB
Co-processor(s) -
Colors 4 (grayscale)
Graphics 120x140
Sound 2 channels
Media Cartridge
Year 1989
My games 28
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The most popular portable gaming system of all-time. Nintendo first released the Gameboy in 1989 and it became an unqualified success, selling millions of units all over the globe. Well over 400 games have been developed for the Gameboy and many of them are true blockbusters. Using a link cable, two players can hook-up their Game Boys for head-to-head gaming action. There are lots of great games available for this little system that could, everything from Tetris to Star Wars, from Moon Patrol to Mortal Kombat 4. Nintendo keeps re-inventing the Gameboy, making it smaller, packaging it in different colors and now the Game Boy Color. Many other companies have tried to duplicate the success of the Gameboy (Sega, Atari, NEC and others) but none has ever come close.

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Tetris Return of the Jedi

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©1999-2001 by Da Vince